InstructionsThe table you will be asked to complete provides you the opportunity to evaluate your progress in the areas of skills, knowledge, and attitude with which you started the course. The table also gives you an opportunity to propose the level of change or improvement you would like to see in one to two years from now. The reflection paper provides you with an additional way of looking at the changes which have taken place in your thinking or even in your life since the first week of this course.Download and open the Progress Table in the Week 8 Books and Resources area.Complete 12 rows in the table following the style of the examples in the first two rows.Following the table in the same Word document, write a reflection paper according to the instructions below.Reflection Paper InstructionsAs part of the Week 1 assignment, you were asked to reflect on the Lao-tzu quotation (as cited in Lee, Haught, Chen, and Chan, 2013) that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is now nearly eight weeks since you were introduced to that quotation and completed your reflection. This Signature Assignment provides you with the opportunity to further reflect on your decision to take that first step and your path since that time. Please write a minimum of a three-paragraph reflection of the changes which have taken place in your thinking or even in your life since that first week.Length: 12 entries on the chart and a minimum of a three-paragraph reflection paper, not including title and reference pages

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