Week 5 6995 final

Develop a website version of the portfolio that includes all the final project components from Weeks 1–4. (1) The website should be supported by a design strategy to achieve your goal of showcasing your accomplishments, (2) its content should be readable, (3) its style should complement the content you are trying to showcase, and (4) it should be usable where it is easy to locate information. It is left up to you to select the website design tool.Prepare a short recording to highlight the important elements of your portfolio using the Snagit tool. Using TechSmith Snagit free trial version (https://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.html), a tool for preparing screencasts, prepare a 5-minute clip to present all key elements of your showcase portfolio. Your clip should include a visual recording of your screen and your voice commenting on your screen. Once your clip is ready, add the link to your clip into this assignment’s report. Use the subtitle: Screencast Link.Develop your showcase portfolio as one document that includes all the elements from Weeks 1–5. The developed document should be in PDF format.

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