psy assignment

Criterion-related validity: Create a hypothetical test based around the topic of Suicide Risk and identify 3 characteristics of appropriate, relevant and measureable criteria. Identify a criterion for which predictor scores could be compared. You are to design a criterion related validity study with identifying the specific 3 characteristics and identify if they are concurrent or predictive validity evidence and explain with specific details.For example, if the test was a Career Interest Test it would be based around criterion of Likes/Dislikes, Abilities/Skills, and Experience as the criterion and then go on from there to focus on whether concurrent or predictive, scoring and explanation. (this is an example only)Create your response into a word document using APA format with a minimum of 500-750-word count. (It might be easier to insert the criterion into a table format with the explanation in paragraph format below the inserted table however, your choice as to how to create your Suicide Risk Study). Include in text citations which will connect to the factual points from your sources, and include the reference citations at the end of the document.For the Assignment, some tips:· Start with researching symptoms or “things to look for” with Suicide Risk to figure out the three (3) characteristics you would be measuring in your assessment· They want to know how you will show Criterion Related Validity with the assessment you create.  The easiest way to do that is by finding an already established suicide risk assessment that has been proven valid and comparing the scores between the two assessments. You can search for one in the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) and scroll through to read the review of it.  Review of validity will sometimes have its own paragraph, but you should also get that information from the “summary” at the end of the review.  It will state whether the test has good validity and reliability.  It will also state if it doesn’t.  You want to find a test that has proven validity. The idea here is if someone who is at high risk of suicide takes the suicide risk assessment you create AND ALSO takes thealready establishedsuicide risk assessment, they should score high on both.  If someone who is not suicidal takes your assessment and the already established assessment, they should score low on both.  This will show that there is criterion related validity.  You will know that there is an issue with your validity if someone who is at high risk of suicide takes your assessment and scores low, but scores high in the established assessment.  Same thing for someone not at risk – if they score high on your assessment and low on the established assessment, again, we know somethings wrong with your assessment’s validity.

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