Peer’s respond

AkwaWeek 4: The DNP Project: Educating and Engaging StakeholdersThe following PICOT question will serve as the basis for the proposed DNP project:For adult patients in a primary care setting, how does the implementation of the opioid risk assessment screening tool (ORAST) compared to current practice impact the rate of opioid prescriptions in 8-10 weeks.Stakeholder engagement necessitates balancing a diverse set of stakeholders, educating them on their roles, and collaborating on long-term sustainability strategies. Other aims of educating Stakeholders includes (a) supporting the opioid abuse guidelines by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2017) along with opioid risk assessment and screening tool (b) empowering participants to engage in their care through participation in the program (c) monitor levels of participation throughout the intervention over eight to ten weeks. In the pre-implementation phase, the DNP project manager will meet internal and external stakeholders, including institutional administrative leaders, to inform them about the project.According to (Stocker et al., 2020), identifying these stakeholders and project teams early on when attempting to develop a project is essential as stakeholder involvement and inclusion are key priorities and predictors of a successful DNP project implementation. Cuppen (2012) adds that a wide range of viewpoints and beliefs are displayed positively by the involvement of different stakeholders’ mindsets. The stakeholders for this DNP project include the participants, the clinic staff like the nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians.The Project manager will explain to stakeholders the significance of following CDC guidelines and utilizing ORAST prior to initiating opioid treatment. The DNP project manager will use literatures on Opioid Risk Assessment Screening Tool (ORAST and the process will be provided to the staff, stakeholder, manager, clinicians, and the providers. A Blank set of 10 standard simple questions provided during checkup and visits. This questionnaire will assess the possible severity of substance use to help identify the appropriate level of intervention.Videos, handouts, and demonstration. The DNP project manager will keep track of the treatment team’s knowledge and understanding as well as the participants’ attitude toward substance abuse.I am still awaiting the IRB approval of the pre-screening form. I am finding the literature synthesis a little challenging and looking forward to having that complete.ReferencesCenter for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Opioid prescribing: Where you live matters. (Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)Cuppen, E. (2012). Diversity and constructive conflict in stakeholder dialogue: considerations for design and methods. Policy Sci, 45(1), pp. 23-46.Stocker, F., de Arruda, M. P, de Mascena, K. M. C., & Boaventura, J. M.G. (2020). Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting: A classification model. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management. 2071-2080. (Links to an external site.)

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