Home Work assignment

I need an assignment completed. Please do not use any online sites. My professor does check for copied assignment online.OverviewIn this assignment, you will gain more practice with designing a  program. Specifically, you will create pseudocode for a higher/lower  game. This will give you practice designing a more complex program and  allow you to see more of the benefits that designing before coding can  offer. The higher/lower game will combine different programming  constructs that you have been learning about, such as input and output,  decision branching, and a loop.Higher/Lower Game DescriptionYour friend Maria  has come to you and said that she has been playing the higher/lower game  with her three-year-old daughter Bella. Maria tells Bella that she is  thinking of a number between 1 and 10, and then Bella tries to guess the  number. When Bella guesses a number, Maria tells her whether the number  she is thinking of is higher or lower or if Bella guessed it. The game  continues until Bella guesses the right number. As much as Maria likes  playing the game with Bella, Bella is very excited to play the game all  the time. Maria thought it would be great if you could create a program  that allows Bella to play the game as much as she wants.PromptFor this assignment, you will be designing pseudocode for a  higher/lower game program. The higher/lower game program uses similar  constructs to the game you will design and develop in Projects One and  Two.Review the Higher/Lower Game Sample Output for more detailed examples of this game. As you read, consider the following questions:What are the different steps needed in this program? How can you break them down in a way that a computer can understand?What information would you need from the user at each point  (inputs)? What information would you output to the user at each point?When might it be a good idea to use “IF” and “IF ELSE” statements?When might it be a good idea to use loops?Create pseudocode that logically outlines each step of the game program so that it meets the following functionality:Prompts the user to input the lower bound and upper bound. Include input validation to ensure that the lower bound is less than the upper bound.Generates a random number between the lower and upper boundsPrompts the user to input a guess between the lower  and upper bounds. Include input validation to ensure that the user only  enters values between the lower and upper bound.Prints an output statement based on the guessed number. Be sure to account for each of the following situations through the use of decision branching:What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too low?What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too high?What should the computer output if the user guesses the right number?Loops so that the game continues prompting the user for a new number until the user guesses the correct number.OPTIONAL: If you would like to practice turning your designs into code, check out the optional 9.1 LAB: Higher/Lower Game  in zyBooks. This step is optional, but will give you additional  practice turning designs into code, which will support your work in  moving from Project One to Project Two.Guidelines for SubmissionSubmit your completed pseudocode as a Word document of approximately 1 to 2 pages in length.Pseudocode: Logical StepsExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or efficient manner (100%)Creates pseudocode that logically outlines each step of the program so that it meets the required functionality (85%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but  with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include creating  more pseudocode for all the functionality included in the program (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)Pseudocode: Input/OutputN/ADetermines user inputs and outputs based on the given scenario (100%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but  with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include accounting  for all inputs and outputs in the design document (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)Pseudocode:Program Flow Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or efficient manner (100%)Uses decision branching and loops to control program flow (85%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but  with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include accounting  for all the paths the user can take through the program (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)

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