Please read carefully the Grading Rubric 250 words, citation, reference, no plagioGrading Rubric Advice and Sample Table for This Discussion QuestionClass after completing the assigned reading, reflect on it and answer the discussion question. Use the readings and other current scholarly sources to answer the question, no use of consumer web sites or blogs. APA and Academic writing posit use of references that are less than five years old. If a topic has little information available, one can expand the search to 7 and then to 10 years. This topic has a great deal of information available so I will expect current sources.Grading RubricDescribe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents.+2.25Discuss what risk-taking behaviors may result from each of the external stressors +2.25Describe what support or coping mechanism can be introduced by the nurse +3Writing and APA -+0.5no misspellings, correctly formatted APA citations and references if you use quotes, listing of scholarly sources if you paraphrase, use of our readings to inform the postTable for DQ AnswerExternal Stressors unique to teensRisk taking behavior related to stressorsCoping Mechanisms and SupportReferencesDQ2Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents. Discuss what risk-taking behaviors may result from the external stressors and what support or coping mechanism can be introduced.

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