Discusion reply of Marta Gomez

Hi this is a discussion reply of other classmate. The point  is to react to the discussion below.reply to  other students and include a reference that justifies your post.  Your reply must be at least3 paragraphs.issues and Trends in Nursing ProfessionQuestion OneWhat do you think about the current image of nursing?Studies conducted by scholars in the field of professional nursing have shown evidence of the public’s lousy image of nurses (Cruickshank, Paliadelis, Gazula & McAllister, 2018). In many reports, people admit to perceiving nurses are inferior to other medical professionals such as general practitioners, surgeons, and even dentists (Cruickshank, Paliadelis, Gazula & McAllister, 2018). Thus, many people view a nurse as a second-class professional as compared to a doctor.Among members of the society, nursing as a profession is considered weaker compared to medicine (Masters, 2018). News of striking nurses from many countries around the world have painted an even fainter picture of the profession because students are scared of choosing a course that doesn’t pay when joining university (Cruickshank, Paliadelis, Gazula & McAllister, 2018).Thus, people view nurses as underpaid professional, and therefore not many people grow up aspiring to become a nurse in the future. However, there is a paradigm shift where communities are embracing the nursing profession and getting to appreciate and respect nurses. This paradigm shift has come along with increased personalized care and home healthcare nurses.Question TwoWhat factors facilitate professional role development in Nursing?Several factors facilitate professional role development in nursing. These include better continued learning programs in many hospitals, a significant increase in the number of nurses offering at-home care services, increased nursing certification measures by state and Federal governments, and graduate trainee programs by many healthcare institutions (Gunn et al., 2019).Increased use of modern technologies is also playing a part in facilitating professional role development in nursing by requiring licensed nurses to get continuous training and learning of the new inventions in healthcare (Gunn et al., 2019). A combination of these factors reflects a bright future of the nursing profession.Artificial intelligence, telehealth, robotics and 3D-printing in medicine are some of the cornerstone technologies shaping the future of nursing. These technologies will allow nurses to personalize healthcare services for each client. This personalization will in turn lead to increased quality of healthcare services, reduction in hospitalization costs and reduced medication errors (Gunn et al., 2019). The end results will be a drastic increase in the overall quality of healthcare services by professional nurses.

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