Corey wk3

Hi folks, this week you’ll prepare the short-range strategic IS plan for Reynolds. The short term goal is the integration of their acquisition and leveraging of their joint venture. The long term goals will be built in the short range strategic plan. They’ve already expanded north and south in the Americas; how will they address those markets? How will technology help to address not only those markets, but auto and aircraft manufacturers abroad? Is outsourcing elements of IT a possibility?For this assignment, you will write a 3-page short-range strategic IS plan for Reynolds Tool & Die that includes a summary of where the company wants to go (its goals) and where it is capable of going right now (based on its current IT infrastructure). Then, you will recommend specific purchases and strategies necessary to make its IT function capable of supporting the company’s goals. Your plan should address outsourcing and the facilitation of business expansion into new markets, new regions, and new countries.

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