Chemistry week 3 learning Activities

Ionic and Molecular Compounds1. Name each of the following molecular compoundsa. CO2b. N2Oc. P2O5d. N2S3e. CF42. Write the formula of the following molecular compounda. Carbon tetrachlorideb. Sulfur dioxidec. Phosphorus pentafluorided. Dinitrogen tetroxidee. Chlorine dioxide3. Classify each of the following as ionic or molecular and give its namea. Na2SO4b. Fe(OH)3c. CCl4d. OF2e. CaS4. Identify the group in the periodic table of the element X in each of the following ionic compoundsa. XSO4b. XF3c. XCld. XOe. X2CO35. Classify the bonds in each of the following compounds as ionic bond, polar covalent bond, or non polar covalent bonda. MgSb. H-Clc. Br-Brd. H-O-He. NaCl

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