discuss 1

A strategy entails a pattern of activities that one aims to follow in pursuit of long-term or short-term purposes. In other words, a strategy aims at giving a precise description of where we are now, where we want to go, and how we will get the intended position. It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when you’re working on an advocacy campaign or developing a strategy to pass legislation or regulations. Having a strategy to get things going and keep them going is essential to your long-term success (Sheppard, 2017). As soon as you get started, it’s essential to lay out an action plan that outlines your current situation, where you want to go, and how you intend to get there (Cullerton et al., 2018).My real-world advocacy strategy entails a course of actions and direction that will assist in managing relationships with the main objective being ensuring access to quality services and increased funding for mental health research.  Advocating for mental health necessitates formulating a pattern of activities. The activities include coming up with ways of working effectively keeping into consideration various opportunities and challenges in the society of service. In this case, it is essential to focus on conducting quality research ensuring that the team is clear not only about the mental health topic but also any nuance around mental health (“connected stakeholder model: How advocates influence policy,” 2021). The second activity entails effective allocation of available resources to ensure that the mental health policy moves to legislation. The third activity in the advocacy strategy entails management of a reliable network with the stakeholders and the interest groups. Also, there is the employment of tailored messages aimed at persuading the policymakers.It’s well-known that building personal relationships with lawmakers is the best way to get your message across. Despite advances in advocacy technology, social media strategies, and data-driven outreach, sometimes personal relationships are necessary to advance a cause (Cullerton et al., 2018). In this case, it is essential to focus on building relationships with lawmakers.250 wordsAPA references

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