NR533 week2TP1

respondI read through all the posts and you mentioned some points that stood out to me. One statement in particular is when you mentioned that program has since supported the organization’s popular model, which combines health plans, physicians, and hospitals. Someone who is curious and has a tendency to question many things, I just wonder is the organizations plan, you mentioned, popular for its investors, share holders,  or its other stakeholders such as the patients? Many people may like something but that does not mean the majority of people will find it beneficial to them based on actual value of care and not just value of dollars lining CEO’s pockets? I raise these questions, not to be confrontational, but to elicit thought regarding our definition of value as a culture aiming to lead healthcare in this country.I was actually born at a Kaiser Permanent in Oakland, CA. It is amazing how they have grown as a medical institution. Out of all the hospitals and medical establishments Ive been too Kaiser is definitely one of better care and quality, but there is a huge price tag on  the cost of their care even with Insurance. You mentioned patients having to pay high deductibles. I am really looking forward to the day where this whole idea of high deductibles and premiums will be something of the past. I realize this will take a paradigm shift but ideally, people having access to care without hemorrhaging money  to just barely survive this world, would be ideal. How do you think big hospitals like Kaiser permanente would survive if such a paradigm shift were to occur?

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