Title: American Natives

1. Introduction – Purpose: Writer’s purpose or central argument is readily apparent to the reader. Identify the social movement that will be presented by its name and capture attention linking the social movement with the class topics.2. Content: Presentation of relevant and legitimate information clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains important insights. Student addressed diverse perspective from a variety of sources to qualify analysisInformation to include in the content:Historic background of the      movement.Population servesCharacteristics of the      populationPrecursorsStrategies of the movementPurpose and social roleDetractorsImplications for social      justiceRelevance for social work      professionFuture vision3. Organization: Ideas are arranged in a logical order to support the purpose or argument. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. Reader can easily follow the line of reasoning and transition topics with connecting arguments.4. Critical Thinking: Critiques context of the scholarly discourse in terms of the student’s assumptions. Position demonstrates ownership, identifies own position, presenting reflexive tone.5. Relevance: Presented the social movement strategies to reduce prejudice, categorization, and oppression.6. Standards of cultural competence: Student presented concretes ideas on the role of social worker on working with clients served by the movement.7. Ethics and Values: Demonstrates a comprehensive grasp of concept related to ethics and values in social work.8. Demonstrates a command of the English language, including academic vocabulary, syntax, and flow of ideas. Spelling, punctuation9. Uses of APA style correctly.10. Draws conclusions based on research-based facts. Incorporates personal and professional point of view.NOTE: also do a power point with the essay

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