Month: June 2022


Background: This assignment focuses on data analysis using the tally() function. You must be able to analyze data before you try to present data through visualizations.Assignment:Use RStudio and R Markdown to generate a Word document with the R commands and answers to all of the data analysis questions listed below.Follow the formatting requirements identified in the Install R Markdown video […]

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Hashing and Authentication Threats

Please review the attached. Budget is $10; only 2 pages needed

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Organization Leadership and Decision making

This week we focus on the knowledge management cycle noted in Figure 5.3 in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text. Note the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another.Article: Attached in word fileWord Count: 300additional Scholarly sourceStrict APA 7 format

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porfolio: research

The final portfolio project is a three- part activity. You will respond to three separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. Be sure to include at least one UC library source per prompt, in addition to your textbook (which means you’ll have at least 4 sources cited). Start your paper with an introductory […]

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Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders

MODULE 2: Week 2 Assignment Open DismissMODULE 2: Cardiovascular / Respiratory Systems, Week 2 AssignmentCASE  STUDY 2: Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a  transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with  type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and ischemic heart  disease.Drugs currently prescribed include the following:• Warfarin 5 mg po […]

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Communication in the acute care

Communication in the acute care environment can require unique skills and have some unique challenges .

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PHP project

project in filesadditional instructions:How to run the Online Shopping Store Application1. Download the zip file2. Extract the file and copy OnlineStore folder3. Paste inside root directory(xampp/htdocs)4. Open phpMyAdmin5. Create a database with name storedb6. Import storedb.sql file (given inside the zip package in SQL folder)Configuration and Sample code for Currency Formatting:- in php.ini, uncomment extension=intl […]

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Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection

This week you learned about the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protect Act or ACPA. The discussion this week will have two parts.Part 1: (Must be posted by Wednesday)In this case, you are the defendant of a trademark, which you believe you have the legal rights to. You have brought suit against the plaintiff, who you feel is […]

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Please read the chapter reading (the attachment below).Requirements:Write a least 500 words summary, with double-space, 12 font sizes, and Times New Roman.

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data science and big data analytics-R language

1. How do you use “pair wise” plots to evaluate the effectiveness of the clustering?2. The attributes of a data set are “purchase decision (Yes/No), Gender (M/F), income group (50K). Can you use K means to cluster this data set?3. Please review and implement the example “Computing Confidence and Lift” given on page 10 (3b […]

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