Month: June 2022

What are dynamic type methods (C# coding)

Explain how dynamic type methods are implemented, what are any advantages, what are any disadvantages of using dynamic types in methods?300 wordsC# Coding

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Nursing statistics

There is often the requirement to evaluate descriptive statistics for data within the organization or for health care information. Every year the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Understanding differences between the groups based upon the collected data often informs health care professionals towards research, treatment options, or patient education.Using […]

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Write a Research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling also evaluate the importance of risk models

Write a research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling. Please also evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modeling various risks and evaluate how an organization may make decisions about techniques to model, measure, and aggregate risks.Your paper should meet the following requirements:• Be approximately four pages in length, not […]

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Week 7 Q1

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your change proposal to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies […]

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Project Part 2 – BIA-BCP-DRP-CIRT

Project Part 2 AssignmentAttached Files:Final Project Part 2 – BIA-BCP-DRP-CIRT template.docx (29.295 KB)Click this link to submit your assignment.Attached is the template that you must download, complete and submit here.  Instructions are located in the templateTHIS IS AN EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT

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Week 5 6995 final

Develop a website version of the portfolio that includes all the final project components from Weeks 1–4. (1) The website should be supported by a design strategy to achieve your goal of showcasing your accomplishments, (2) its content should be readable, (3) its style should complement the content you are trying to showcase, and (4) […]

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Tech Alert

Tech Alert #2: Tech Alert on Chapters 13 or 14 relating to software and cloud computing: Submit your document in Microsoft Word format.Carefully read through the tech alert requirements. Please realize that the notes in the ‘callouts’ on the Homework Handout are REQUIREMENTS, not suggestions. For this week’s assignment, find one or more new articles […]

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Strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations

Research at least two articles on the topic of the strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations. Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles. How are the topics of the two articles related? What information was relevant and why?Provide the references in your responses.Your post should be 300 words long.Along with […]

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Data Mining – Data Quality Issues

Many sciences rely on observation instead of (or in addition to) designed experiments.Compare (and include an example) the data quality issues involved in observational science with those of experimental science and data mining.Include citations and reference

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Evidence-based care

Assignment:Why is it important to provide evidence-based care? Discuss some of the challenges nurse administrators face in creating an environment in which bedside nurses use evidence-based care.Discuss the use of run charts and control charts to improve quality.Discuss how Lean thinking and Six Sigma can be used together to improve healthcare quality.What are ways to […]

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