Month: June 2022

Wk 5: Packet Capture Analysis

You are analyzing packet captures from a wireless network to assess if the captures pose a threat, what risks, if any.For this assignment, analyze the packet captures provided by Wireshark by doing the following:Go to the Wireshark Sample Captures site, and download the following:wpa-Induction.pcap.gz Wi-Fi 802.11 WPA trafficwpa-eap-tls.pcap.gz WiFi 802.11 WPA-EAP/Rekey samplenb6-hotspot.pcap Someone connecting to SFR’s wireless community networkciscowl.pcap.gz (libpcap) […]

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discussion 8

We looked at firewalls in an earlier discussion, but here we are going to take a more advanced look.You are a consultant and have been asked to recommend, design and implement a firewall for an organization.Discuss all the different options that you need to take into consideration e.g., layout, types, rule base, etc.You are a […]

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Write a position paper of 2-3 page in APA format with high order thinking

Recent predictions for population growth in the 21st century are quite different from predictions made several decades ago.  Find reports of older population model (say from 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s), and find reports of recent population models?  How do they differ?  How have the assumptions in the model changed?

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ACS Code of Conduct

Assignment 2 – ACS Code of ConductValue: 13%Due date: 10-Apr-2015Return date: 03-May-2015Length: 800 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskProceed according to the following instructions.Use the same ethical dilemma or ethically questionable situation that you identified in your first assignment.Undertake further research about your chosen case to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.Analyse the ethical dilemma using the Australian Computer Society […]

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Google Analytics 6

Take a screenshot for each question and provide a brief explanation of your experience completing the question.Log into the Identify the terms driving the most organic traffic.2. Identify the terms leading to the highest bounce rate.3. Determine the average ranking position for branded terms (a branded term is one that includes the business or brand […]

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practical connection with operations security

COURSE NAME: OPERATIONS SECURITYProvide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could […]

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Financial Regulations

Financial RegulationsDiscussion SubmissionDuring your reading, you learned about GLBA and FACTA and the Red Flag Rule to help protect consumer financial information. For your discussion this week, please conduct additional research and consider the following questions:What was evolutionary about laws such as GLBA and FACTA?What do organizations need to consider to be compliant with GLBA […]

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Look at the instruction and complete it in excel.

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Research and Data Modelling

For guidance on how to draw an ERD based on business rules, watch this video:

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