Day: May 22, 2022
research 105- 2
This week’s video introduces you to the Hernandez family. Juan and Elena Hernandez are mandated to attend parenting classes. As part of the parenting classes, they are required to participate in both a pretest (taken before classes begin) and a posttest (taken after classes end). Pretests and posttests can yield very useful information. They can […]
Read MorePower in Social Work Practice
Post a brief description of why it is important for social workers to be familiar with power dynamics when working with decision makers. In your description, address the following:Identify the power resource you selected for use in your practice and advocacy.Explain the resource you selected.How does this power resource work to influence decision makers?Why is this power resource more appropriate for your approach to practice and advocacy than others?Describe the […]
Read MoreTraining Intervention Virtual Roundtable Presentation
Cultural Autobiography Case Study and Training Intervention Virtual Roundtable Presentation: Students will develop a case study based on a time in their life where they experienced a microaggression(s) which he or she believe impacted their academic, career and/or social-emotional development. The purpose of this assignment is to engage in understanding yourself as a counselor and […]
Read MoreEssay Article Critique – Experimental Design
I need this paper by 12pm 10/29/17. I am late posting, was going to do it myself, but I hate this class and can’t get into it.The topic is Recidivism and Rehabilitation in the criminal justice system, with the participants receiving drug and life skill inside jails and prisons.There is a Rubics:1Unsatisfactory0.00%2Less than Satisfactory65.00%3Satisfactory75.00%4Good85.00%5Excellent100.00%70.0 %Content […]
Read MorePSYC 101, six 250 word essays
Six questions, at least 250 words each. Would like it done in the next few hours. Questions attached in word document, must use the PDF file as the research topic.1. Write a succinct and thorough paragraph in the space below either justifying or challenging the use of your selected article’s research methods used to examine […]
Read MoreEnhancing Performance: Preparation/Motivation- A4
Critical Thinking Essay IYour writing should illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the assigned text material. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins and in APA format. It must be written and proof read at the graduate level. Each answer should be numbered and be 1-2 pages […]
Read MoreInter-Rater Reliability NO PLAGERISM
Reliability is very important to consider in research studies. There are many different types of reliability and one type is called inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability studies are often conducted when you have more than one person who will be evaluating and scoring data. If inter-rater reliability is high, then different people are recording approximately the […]
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